Sunday, March 22, 2009

Strange encounters of the munchkin kind

We were enjoying a lovely outing to the park this afternoon. I was doing my power walking for exercise and I was stopped by a little fellow of about 6-7 who was riding his bike.

Boy: *stops his bike* Excuse me! *gets my attention* There are crocodiles in the water!

Me: *stifled grin* No, there are no crocodiles in the pond.

Boy: *eyes wide open with expression of honesty* I saw one!! It went down to the water.

Me: It was probably a lizard. (*thinking of a bearded dragon*)

Boy: *not conceding* It was a little crocodile.

Me: *obliging while still being honest* There are no big crocodiles here.

Boy: No, no big crocodiles.

I stopped my walking to enlighten Hubby to the conversation and kept going. At the next round of the park Hubby stops to tell me of his encounter with a 4 year old:

Boy: *points to the ukulele* Why do you have that?

Hubby: Well I play the ukulele while my son plays on the swings.

Boy: Can I play it?

Hubby: *looks at father for permission* Yes, sure, but aren't your arms a bit full? (*noticing black Spiderman and Iceman*)

Boy: You can hold them.

*swap happens*

Boy: *strumming tunelessly* How is that?

Hubby: *honestly* "I've heard music just like that on the radio."

Boy's father: I have too.

Hubby: Can I have my uke back now please?

Boy: *matter of fact* No. *looks at father and then hands uke back*

I've just realised - Happy 1st year of blogging to me! And the 50th post!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday time again (or was it Christmas)?

It's the season of birthdays again. Anika had hers a couple of weeks ago and Matt turns 11 on Sunday. Mike gets very excited about birthdays but I'm not sure that he fully understands the meaning of them. Before Anika's birthday he asked, "Is a birthday when it's only one person's Christmas?"

When Mike was quite young the association of candles and birthdays had him a little fooled at times. During a storm when the electricity was cut we lit a candle to the immediate response of, "Birthday! Birthday!" from Mike. It's just as well we never took him to one of those weddings where the bride and groom light candles. Hubby remembers a two year old girl who, having heard a chorus of "Happy Birthday" at a post-church supper, came running full pelt yelling, "Cake! Cake!"

Hubby has a big one this year in May so the preparations will start soon. When Matt was younger he had trouble with the idea that adult birthdays aren't quite the same as children's ones. On one birthday of Hubby's he asked about when Daddy's friends would arrive to play "pass the parcel"and why the balloons weren't blown up yet.

Happy Birthday Matt!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Significant Sayings

Well we all had a bit of fun when we read the quotes of George W. Bush such as, "For NASA space is a priority." I'm not sure that our current Prime Minister is not attempting to emulate Mr Bush. In this news story the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Kevin Rudd, had this helpful recommendation of Queensland's current Premier, the Hon. Anna Bligh, who is up for re-election this coming Saturday:

Kevin Rudd said he had known Anna Bligh for 20 years."You get to know somebody after 20 years," Mr Rudd said."That friend is Anna Bligh. A good person, a strong leader with a no-nonsense, practical down to earth approach," he said."Someone who speaks their mind - and in my experience - speaks her mind constantly."
I can imagine Ms Bligh's gratitude at such a high commendation.
I don't normally discuss politics on this blog, but just couldn't help myself.
