Monday, August 30, 2010

Winter Haiku

It's the last day of spring and I thought I'd post Matt's winter Haiku:

Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda Tree

Yellow leaves disappearing

Brown branches left bare

Here's some of my azaleas:

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Subject Line

A friend of mine recently sent me an email with the subject line, "not ignoring you, just frozen". She lives in rural Victoria, near to where the bushfires went through on Black Saturday. I think it's a bit nippy down there.

I'm thinking of sending an email back with the subject line, "not ignoring you, just busy". Having two learner drivers who need to get their 100 hours of supervised driving time logged really adds to the jobs of the week.

I think every mother needs a mother's day. I don't mean the once a year thing. I mean every week needs to have a day in there somewhere where everyone else floats off into a parallel universe for 24 hours and mum gets to just catch up on life. Unfinished (or unstarted) cleaning jobs, school recording, school planning...that sort of thing. And of course some blogging and quiet times.

Seeing as that's not going to happen, I guess I'd better just make better use of the time I have.

Happy 100th post to me. 18 hours to go for Lloyd.