Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to take 10 years off your mother's life in a week

1. Have a nasty, never-before-this-bad asthma attack while on camp when you are miles and miles from the nearest hospital and ambulance.
2. Be kind to your mother - stay calm while the ambulance (which must have had wings) gets there in 20 minutes.
3. Two days later (after your return to camp from hospital) get crash tackled and hurt your ankle.
4. The next day insist you are okay and go for a 6 kilometre trek.
5. The next day (today) have someone else drop a brick on the same foot.
6. When your parents turn up to pick you up from camp tell them you are okay to drive almost 2 hours home even though you are finding it hard to walk.
7. Once you've driven home and had a shower show your mother the swollen-up-like-a-balloon ankle.
8. During going to night church casually mention about the
red-bellied black snake in the brick. Apparently the brick-dropper had no malicious intentions but just decided that he didn't want to be that close to a red-bellied black when he was aware of its presence.

Somehow I think the doctor's appointment tomorrow for follow up after asthma attack will involve x-rays. Maybe I need an appointment too....

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