Tuesday, October 27, 2009


There's nothing like children to make you aware of your habits. While I was preparing dinner last week Mike asked me if he could do more 'school'. He picked up a book on pyramids and began to sit at his desk and study it intensly. I kept going with the vegetables and then heard him say, "You have to ask me a question." At first I thought he had said that he wanted to ask a question so I told him to ask away. He then said, "No, you have to ask me 'How are you going?'" I guess he's picked that up from me saying that to the older boys when they are doing school. The real interpretation of the question is, "Surely you have finished that page by now!"

I've just finished reading an extremely large biography of Charles Darwin. Apparently he became so interested in barnacles that he studied and wrote about them for 8 years which was during the time that his sons were growing up. It was so normal to them that their father studied barnacles that apparently they asked a neighbour where he (the neighbour) studied his barnacles. After all, doesn't every man study barnacles?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


It may make sense to someone but not to me. I have these strange conversations with Matt at times. For example, as I came to prepare dinner I noticed that Matt seemed to be constructing something out of scrap paper and lining it with tissues:

Me: What are you making Matt?

Matt: A fur-lined winter hat.

Me: Why are you making a fur-lined winter hat when it's a rather hot spring?

Matt: This is my pretend winter hat.

And I was just wondering, does anyone know why my camera is taking pictures with lines through it?

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