Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Up"s and Downs

Tuesday was half price movie day and as we're all on holidays we decided to go and see "Up". Being cheap day we all had to sit with no spaces between people in a row and I was on the end sitting next to a teenage boy.

"Up" is a great movie but so not fair. It had Pixar's usual hilarious moments but I spent half of the movie crying. Early on in the movie I tried to hide the fact that I was crying from the lad next to me. I figured in the dark he wouldn't see the tears and they'd dry in time. I didn't want him going home telling his family about how he had to put up with the middle-aged soppy mother he'd sat next to in the movie theatre.

It got harder as the movie went on as the emotional scenes kept coming. But then I heard it: "Sniff" and then I saw out of the corner of my eye: A hand going up to his eyes. At this point I reached for my tissues and didn't care if he saw.

If you want to see it be warned. Take the tissues.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not there yet

Wow, this Sinks Mummy has been awfully busy. Here's an idea of what's been happening.

Last week I had a quick trip to Adelaide, city of churches:

A very pretty place it is. When arriving I was amazed at how close the houses are to the airport. I felt as if we were going to land on the roof tops. My travelling companion suggested that maybe the people who live in them are deaf. The stone houses in Adelaide are so cute but I only saw them out of a bus window so I didn't manage a picture.

Thankfully my trip to Adelaide was last week and not this one because a dust storm that swept up the east coast of Australia yesterday caused some havoc with plane trips. Here's a picture of the park behind us around 12 pm yesterday:

It looks like it's raining but it's a strange sort of orange 'rain' due to the iron-rich dust blown all the way from inland South Australia. Dust storms happen very rarely. I only have the vaguest memory of them happening once before and it was not anywhere near as bad as this. Sydney was much worse than Brisbane but Brisbane was bad enough for Lloyd who is our worst asthmatic.

A couple of nights ago Mike returned to the familiar theme of asking what I was going to be when I grew up. I reminded him that I wanted to be a Grandma. He told me that it was not right for me to be a Grandma because I didn't have any 'squiggles' on my face and Grandmas always have squiggles. I must get that boy's eyes checked but then... I don't mind the idea of my children thinking I am younger than I really am. Maybe I won't want to be a Grandma just yet.

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