Here we go again
Two names I go by:
1. Wifee (to Hubby who likes Charles Spurgeon's name for his wife)
2. Slee (This is a version of my real name which was given to me when I was a teenager by a precious little girl called "Emily" who is now in the presence of the Lord Jesus. Her mother still calls me Slee. )
Two things I am wearing right now:
1. Ugh boots (it's winter)
2. A lambs wool and angora wool cream coloured jumper with silver threads (It was given to me by my sister-in-law. Looks kinda strange with ugh boots.)
Two of my favourite things to do:
1. Walk in the bush
2. Read a really good book
Two pets you have/had:
1. A bay horse called "Pippin"
2. A dog called "Speckles"
Two things you did yesterday:
1. Read a lot of the book of Esther to see if I was right about how much of the story was changed for the movie "One Night With the King" that I watched recently. (I was right about the changes).
2. Ate chocolate my Mum bought us to cheer us all up as we're all sick with a cold.
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Hmmm, a hot chocolate would go down well. Hint, hint Hubby if you're reading this over my shoulder.
2. More time, but that's a hard one for any SINKs Mummy.
Two things you did yesterday (I did this twice by mistake because I wrote this in two bits - just keeping the twos theme):
1. Visited with two of my sisters-in-law
2. Sorted through a pile of clothes
Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Rice Crackers with Brie cheese (I love cheese :o)) Oops, I've got a double chin - I didn't eat THAT much cheese.
2. Left over gluten-free pizza
Two people you last talked to:
1. Mike, to hug and kiss him goodnight
2. Lloyd, to ask him to put out the rubbish
Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Finding library books to send back.
2. Washing, washing and more washing (it's winter)
Two longest car rides:
1. Brisbane to Rockhampton
2. Brisbane to the Blue Mountains
Two favourite holidays:
1. Christmas, because it means summer holidays and a huge break from school.
2. ANZAC Day - I like to be reminded each year about the sacrifices of those wonderful young men who have fought in the wars.
Two favourite beverages
1. Hot chocolate
2. Strawberry milkshake made with real strawberries instead of the synthetic flavouring
Labels: favourite things