Eating Out
When Hubby was Potential Hubby he decided we should go out for dinner before his BA graduation. There was a little Thai restaurant that was near to the university and we thought we'd pop in for an early dinner before turning up in time for the graduation. We were greeted by a very polite Thai waiter who showed us to our seats and took our order. Thankfully there was no one else in the restaurant at that early hour. In very quick time our dinners were placed in front of us. My Hubby has been brought up to eat everything on his plate. After giving thanks Potential Hubby started eating everything on his plate. Everything. Including the long dried chilli garnish on the top. He turned bright red and started having a coughing fit. In no time the Thai waiter appeared beside me with a glass of water saying, "Here is your glass of water, Madam," (I hadn't asked for one) then turning to the fire-breathing dragon sitting opposite me, "Would you like one too, Sir?" Potential Hubby managed to get out, "Yes, please," before the tablecloth erupted in flames. Such politeness by the Thai people. I'm sure they were rolling around on the floor laughing in the kitchen. After the graduation that night potential Hubby proposed and became fiancee.
He really should have learned his lesson a few years earlier. At a friend's house he was served some soup and was enjoying it very much. His hostess then asked what was he was chewing on seeing as it was soup. He commented that it was the "gum leaf" she had put in the soup. LOL, it must have been a bay leaf.
When we were newly married we went with Hubby's family to a restaurant for Mother's Day with his Mum, siblings, three nieces and a nephew. One of the nieces, Miss E, was having a lovely time and decided that the bullseye lolly that came with her Dad's coffee would be nice to eat. It got stuck and she stood there choking. Hubby's brother (a general practitioner) put her over his knee, performed a manoevre which made the lolly go shooting onto the carpet then held her for a while. He turned to his wife and commented on how well the manoevre worked then mentioned to the rest of us how it would be bad for business for a doctor's daughter to choke to death in the middle of a restaurant. After Miss E had calmed down she picked up the lolly, covered with carpet fluff and I don't want to know what and offered it to her father saying, "You eat it, Daddy, I don't want it anymore."